Yogurt: Calories

Made from the fermentation of milk, yogurt is generally low in calories. Although, this can be highly dependent on added sugars and overall fat content. Generally high in protein, yogurt can be made from various sources, including cow’s milk or other plant-based alternatives. Check out our Yogurt Chart below for more nutritional information.


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Yogurt Overview and Healthy Meal Ideas

With yogurt being a product that can be made from both dairy and non-dairy sources, it is a staple ingredient in many diets. Made by fermenting animal or plant-based milk with specific bacterial cultures, yogurt helps provide some healthy power to your digestive system. While yogurt itself has natural sugars from its dairy ingredients, keep an eye out for added sugars when checking the nutrition labels. A general rule of thumb is to limit sugars to 15 grams or less per serving, which helps to keep the higher calories out of the equation. In addition, keep an eye on the ingredient list of products. Sugar should never be ingredient number 1.

Circling back to just how versatile yogurt is, not only is it flavorsome on its own, but it can also be a helpful substitute in recipes. Feel free to swap out butter, oil, mayonnaise, or sour cream for yogurt in your dish. The yogurt itself can also have a range of different fat levels, so try to keep an eye on the labels and aim for fat-free or low-fat when buying these for the lowest amount of calories. A simple breakfast idea can be combining plain yogurt with fresh fruits, granola, and honey to create a nutritious balanced healthy start to your day. This helps to control the calorie intake that pre-made parfaits often have an excess of. What are some creative ways you plan to enjoy your favorite yogurt today?

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