BMI Calculator

Using the Body Mass Index calculator tool provided here, you’ll be able to see just how your specific Body Mass Index fits into the healthy range of weight goals provided!

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How much do you weigh?


So with BMI being such a common measurement to use when it comes to a person’s health, how is it calculated and what’s the big deal with the numbers? Let’s dive into this a little further! The Body Mass Index formula involves a few factors of information to get your result, and these will include inputting your gender, age, height, and weight, which will then calculate your current BMI. The exact BMI formula in metric units would be weight (kg) ÷ height 2 (meters), and in US units, (weight (lb) ÷ height2) * 703 (inches).

As far as the calculations themselves and what their number results mean, each will fall into a bracket of a health categorization. A normal healthy BMI range will fall between 18.5 to 24.9 for both men and women, with an underweight range being under 18.5, overweight as 25 to 29, and a calculation over 30 would be considered in the obese category. This BMI chart can help identify where you may fall as far as your body weight, and be an extra level of motivation for any changes you may want to make towards a goal weight!

While BMI is just one indicator of your health, it doesn’t always represent the entire picture. Sometimes the calculations may not represent the individual and their wellness as a whole, such as a bodybuilder who has a larger weight due to muscle mass but low body fat who may score in an unhealthy higher category for his height and age. There are all different body types, and this can also be taken into consideration when putting the pieces together on a goal weight that works best for you. Some other gauges of progress or starting points to use alongside this BMI calculator can be to see how your clothes are fitting, body measurements, or even just how your energy levels are. What are some ways that you plan to use your BMI calculations with your wellness goals in mind?

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