Calories Burned Calculator

With our easy calories burned calculator, you can find out the calories burned throughout the day as an individual with specific exercises!

Enter an exercise to calculate your calories burned

Activity duration


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How much do you weigh?


When it comes to calculating just how many calories you’ve burned with an exercise, this will depend on the specific workout and the duration, your gender, age, and weight. This calculation also involves METs, which stands for the metabolic equivalent for tasks, and differs between workouts. For example, a lower impact exercise may have 5 METs per minute, while a higher impact will have around 7 METs. For general walking, this is usually calculated at around 3 METs, as a rough estimate, so you can see how the intensity impacts this part of the formula. For a visual of the entire exact formula used, it can be calculated as the exercise duration in minutes x (METs x 3.5 x weight in kg)/200 = the number of calories burned.

When reaching around 70-80% of your maximum heart rate, this will in turn cause the body to enter into the fat-burning zone, so this can be a helpful tip to keep in mind when choosing an exercise with your wellness goals in mind. There are many different exercises to choose from with the calculator, from hiking or weightlifting to gardening and housework. Any form of movement in your day can add up to make a big difference over time, no matter what it is!

A common daily activity is walking, so depending on the speed and distance, this calculator can also show those calories burned for your commuting route for example. This is calculated by converting steps to calories, so each step taken can literally add up! Maybe you prefer a morning run to start your day off, and this will calculate your overall workout burn for your statistics. Other activities that are shown include a calorie calculation for the treadmill, cycling, swimming, and the elliptical, among many others. Feel free to check out the calculator for your favorite activities, and see how they make an impact on your day and your health overall!

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