Ice Cream: Calories

Ice cream is generally calorie dense, high in sugar and fat, and provides little nutritional value for the body. Be sure to enjoy them mindfully and in small portions. To reduce the calorie content, opt for options with low-fat dairy or those with a lot of water, such as sherbet. Check out our Ice Cream Chart below for more nutritional information.


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Popular Ice Cream Types and Healthy Alternatives

Did you know the Romans used to love ice cream? Of course, theirs was actual snow flavored with honey and juice. Even Marco Polo and George Washington enjoyed some form of this tasty treat. There’s no doubt that ice cream is a fantastic dessert for a warm, summer day. The only question is, how healthy is it?

Dairy-based ice creams will contain more fat and, as a result, generally have a higher calorie count. For those who are lactose intolerant, follow a vegan diet, or simply want to shave off a few calories, there are plenty of plant-based alternatives. Ice creams using plant-based milks, such as soy, coconut or almond milk, are a great way to enjoy this frozen dessert without dairy. Sorbet, made with water, sugar and fruit, is also an option. But beware of the added sugar, as this can also increase the calorie content. If you’re looking for a dairy-free option with less sugar, you can’t go wrong with nice cream. This frozen treat is made with fruit and plant-based milk. Not only will it reduce your calorie intake, the nutritional benefits from the added fruit are also a plus.

Like with any dessert, portion control can go a long way. Whether you prefer a loaded ice cream sundae or a fresh, fruity nice cream, there are ways to keep your portion sizes to a minimum. You can simply use a smaller scoop, set an ice cream limit for the week, or pre-measure your ice cream into a bowl instead of eating it out of the carton. You can also forgo the cone or limit the amount of toppings you use. What are some ways you’ll be sweetening up your meal plan this week?

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